View the most recent list of Waka Kotahi (NZTA) approved Heavy Vehicle Specialist Certifiers and the categories they hold here. Further information related to heavy vehicle certification is also available at Waka Kotahi (NZTA) here.
To find an approved HVE Certifier qualified for the particular vehicle component you need certified and/or in your region, you can also use the search option below:
- If you know what part of the vehicle needs to be certified, find the Certification Category which covers that component and search by Certification Category
- If you would like to find a Heavy Vehicle Certifier in your area, search by Region
- Searching ‘All regions’ or regions in close proximity to your required area is recommended if insufficient search results are obtained or alternative engineers are required. Please contact a Heavy Vehicle Certifier of your choice to find out whether your vehicle certification requirements can be met.